Andalou Naturals

When the soul of a company is in the right place, there's a compassionate, selfless, trusting air that resonates through every aspect of the company: especially it's people and how they interact. I've been a consumer of Andalou Naturals' products for years and their message resonates with me, but it wasn't until we were asked to do the flowers for their Holiday party at Ram's Gate Winery in Sonoma that we really fell in love with the company in it's entirety.

A friend of mine said something to me recently that I've held on to this year: "Kindness is free." And it's that small freedom that can really make a difference. There are occasions where you'll come in to a fancy venue carrying armload's of flowers and the air in the room feels cold and uninviting, and there are other occasions where you walk in being considered an artist, providing wondrous, miraculous little things. The latter is thankfully how to describe my day a few weeks ago.

On a separate (but similar) note, it's been a wild year around here. But, a really amazing one. I'm learning that I need to just take a step back for a second with these moments. When you're driven, it's always 'what's next' as opposed to a momentary pause for celebration. A double edged sword of sorts. I'm attempting to change this pattern of thinking, and to just be present, especially during the Holidays. I've got a whole list to be thankful for. Healthy folks who are endlessly caring and offer the craziest amount of knowledge, a sister who is fearless and carefree, an impeccably handsome partner who also chooses me every day. Good friends, ones that I can fully belly-laugh with. A rescue pooch who, regardless of how crappy my day was, thinks that I am the best thing that ever walked in the house. A big, natural-light filled studio space that we get to make a mess in. And flowers. Always. 

Merry, merry to you and yours, and may 2018 be one of the brightest yet. 


Photos: Tanya & Victor | Planning: Katie Rebecca Events

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